How can I edit the demographic or medical information in a referral record

ReferAll's interface enables a Scheme Administrator to edit or add information demographic or medical information to a referral record. This may be necessary when data is collected after the referral is added to a scheme.

Edit demographic information in a referral record:

As a Scheme Administrator, to edit or add to the referral record's demographic information, such as First Name, Last Name, Address, Email address, Contact number and so on, follow these instructions:

  1. Search for the client in question, using the patient search or if the client is visible in the tasks and reminders panel on the home page - click Action.
  2. In the Referral Details tab (which you will be viewing once you have selected the client because it is the default view), ensure the Patient details tab is open.  
  3. Scroll down the page and click Edit.
  4. Edit the details. Depending on what your service deems mandatory you will not necessarily be able to remove information and then update the client's record, you will however be able to amend the information. Once you have finished editing, click Update Details. If you do not want to save the changes made, click Back.

Changing the client's name will trigger the system to check that the client does not already exist in the system. If the client does then you will be able to merge records. If the client does not exist then follow the prompts until you see confirmation that the record has been updated.

Please note - any changes made will be recorded in the client's referral history (for more on referral history see Client's referral history)

Edit medical information in a referral record:

As a Scheme Administrator, to edit or add to the referral record's medical information follow these instructions:

  1. Search for the client in question, using the patient search or if the client is visible in the tasks and reminders panel on the home page - click Action.
  2. In the Referral Details tab (which you will be viewing once you have selected the client because it is the default view), 
  3. Half way down the Referral Details page there is a Referral tab ensure the Referral tab is open. 
  4. You will see a section within the Referral tab called 'Referral Detail' Scroll down to the bottom and click the Edit button.
  5. You are now able to edit the Medical Conditions and Medication details. Depending on what your service deems mandatory you will not necessarily be able to remove information and then update the client's record, you will however be able to amend the information and then update the client's record. Once you have finished editing, click Save. If you do not want to save the changes made, click Back.

Please note - any changes made will be recorded in the client's referral history (for more on referral history see Client's referral history)