Exports: Understanding your referrals Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) and Quintile of Deprivation (QOD) results

Learn why a referral's IMD result may be higher than its QOD result.

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For clarification, IMD Scores are not directly related to IMD Ranks. The Decile and Quintile are based on the rank (a Rank of 32,000 will get a Decile of 10 and Quintile of 5), however the IMD Score is more complex.

Keep in mind that it is the Index of Multiple Deprivation, and each "Multiple" of the index is weighted differently. This PDF gives an indication of this: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/833959/IoD2019_Infographic.pdf

The IMD Score is almost the inverse of the IMD Rank. For example, take two opposite rankings:

  • Rank 32,559 has a IMD Score of 2.339
  • Rank 1,192 has a IMD Score of 57.244

If you wish to explorer more of this, head over to the government website: