Our product updates tell you what's new, why we made the change and how it works.
New Biometrics
- Calculated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - https://www.garnethealth.org/news/basal-metabolic-rate-calculator
- Average Heart Rate
- Estimated VO2
- Calculated Max Heart Rate - using the Gelish formula = 207 - (0.7 x current age). (round up or down)
Changelog & Patch Notes
- We now show our DigiCert digital seal on all webform pages.
- 4 New Biometric Types (BMR, Average Heart Rate, Estimated VO2, Calculated Max Heart Rate)
-Added 'Unprocessed' & 'Rejected' to the scheme summary process report.
- Referrers with the same email address as an existing referrer on the system, under a different referring organisation, will no longer be blocked.
- 'Social Prescriber' has been added as a type of referrer.
- Changed two buttons on list referral for 'Batch Actions' and 'Show Additional Filters' for improved visibility.
- Issue where reports would show certain punctuation twice (Percent sign and brackets)
- Issue where schemes could be listed for the incorrect referral type (HP, Self-Referral). This occurred when navigating back from a form to the previous page and selecting the target scheme, with the referral type of the the form just left.