Our product updates tell you what's new, why we made the change and how it works.
What's new?
APPLIES to: Refer Patient On / Inward / Cross referrals
We've improved the functionality of the Refer Patient On solution when in the Referral Record.
Why does it matter?
Customers can now quickly access the referred on record. Previously, customers needed to firstly, refresh the page to view the Onward / Inward / Cross Referrals button on the top menu, then open up another browser tab to search for the new referral, select and click to open.
How it works
In an open referral record, the page refreshes - so immediately you see links at the top to Inward Referrals, Outward Referrals, or Cross Referrals (dependant on your schemes configurations).
The various sub-pages (Inward/Outward/Cross) now have links to the new referral/s.
For example, to open the onward referral just click on the Manage Referral button in the Referred onward section of the record.