Our product updates inform you of what is new, why we made the change, and how it works.
What's new?
APPLIES to: Reports > Process Reports
We've improved the functionality of Process Reports. Previously the filters were either All schemes or Selected scheme only.
This release sees the option to filter Process Reports by more than one scheme at a time.
Why does it matter?
Customers can now quickly select specific schemes and generate their chosen report.
How it works
- Head over to Reports > Defaults to Process Reports.
- Select schemes either All or specific schemes:

- Click to the next option and the select schemes will display like this:
- Make other filter selections as required.
- Scheme summary if the default report. To run, click the "Generate Report" button.
- Use the range of Report Selections to generate additional reports for the chosen scheme/s and click "Generate Report" for each.

Please note: Scheme selection does not include Referred On schemes.
What's new?
APPLIES to: Reports > Outcome Reports
We've added the following standardised questionnaire scores to Outcome Reports:
- Adapted Black Fracture Index
- 180 degree turn
- Functional reach
- Timed Up and Go
- Six Minute Walk Test
Why does it matter?
Customers using the named question panels can now quickly report on anonymised, high level outcomes. Previously responses would could only be exported or viewed within individual referrals.
How it works
From Outcome Reports > Measurements, questionnaires configured with the named question panels will display results for referrals* (within the chosen scheme and date range) at the intervention points, with data collected.
*referrals rather than people e.g. a person could have more than one referral in the date period if you allow this in your service.