What's new in our release - 1.96.0 - 7th May 2024

Our product updates tell you what's new, why we made the change and how it works.

  1. New Switch Account Button
  2. InActive page changes
  3. Scheme Description Rich Editor
  4. On Referral Questionnaires

New Switch Account button

For users who access more than one Scheme Provider from different accounts on the same login, we have added a button to make navigating between these accounts simpler.

Previously, you were required to either select 'Edit Profile' or 'Logout' from the header to then get sent back to our account selection page.

You can now select the 'Change Account' button to go to the Scheme selection page to access an alternate scheme you have been permitted to access. This button will not appear if you are only associated to one Scheme account.

Inactive page changes

ReferAll have amended the wording on the Inactive page and added a link to log out if required.

Previously, if you had logged into a separate account that was not activated, you were stuck on the inactive page with no way to sign in to your actual account.

You can now select a button from the page to return you to the login screen.

Scheme Description Rich Editor

We have enabled a rich text editor to the Edit Schemes page, allowing you to produce more advanced detailed descriptions for your schemes.

If you use a webform, the patient or referrer will be able to see the description attached to the scheme.

With the new editor, you can perform rich formatting for bullet-points and text styling that was previously unavailable. 

You can then preview these changes once done to make sure they are correct before clicking 'Save Details'.

On Referral Questionnaires now open when processing Self-Referrals

We've changed the way that Self-Referrals are processed to now open any 'On Referral' questionnaires.

Previously, if you have a questionnaire set as 'On Referral' (e.g. As soon as the referral is processed or referred, the questionnaire will open on the screen to be completed by the user), this would only pop up for referrals manually accepted into the system through the 'Refer' page, Referral Requests would not behave the same.

We've now changed this so that the referral requests have been brought to the same standard.