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Deleting Your Referral Data - Use Tasks as Reminders

This article explains how to create tasks in ReferAll to help manage referral deletions for your organisation's compliance. Use this method to filter tasks for referrals that match your criteria, allowing you to review them before proceeding.

  • From your Dashboard, scroll down to the Manage Tasks button and click.

  • Click on the New Task button on the bottom right of the screen.

Follow the sets below to setup this task that is applied to referrals in an 'end' status

Create an automated task, Event category: All Categories


  1. Select the scheme from the drop-down list.
  2. Select 'Referral' under Event Category.
  3. Select Event 'Number of days after referral set to Intends to Participate' but it will apply to all the terminal statuses (Completed, Left Early, Not Participating)
  4. Number of Days after event, for example, if you need to delete a referral after 2 years after a referral is set to Completed, that would be 730 days. 
  5. Leave "Apply to referrals created after" date blank if applying to all.
  6. Apply to referrals in status 'Completed'.
  7. Add a task title and details if required.
  8. Next select "Substate" by ticking the substate task box. Please note: This step is essential. Ready to Delete Data - Find out why the task needs to be a substate: Substates and their uses
  9. Click Save when you have checked everything and ready to apply this task to referrals set with chosen criteria.

After saving as a substate task, if you have multiple schemes, be sure to repeat this process for each one to ensure comprehensive coverage.

How do you find substate tasks?

  1. Go to the List Referrals top menu.

  2. Filter by scheme.
  3. Referral status: Select the matching status for the task, e.g. Completed for Step 1's task.
  4. Substate tasks: Choose the related task from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Referrals will display that meet the selected substate task criteria.
  7. Check each referral by clicking on 'Manage' to ensure you wish to delete the referral.
  8. If you are happy to delete the referral, click 'Delete'.
  9. A warning message will appear, indicating that this action cannot be undone.
  10. To find out more about deleting referrals, head over to this article: Deleting referrals