To help you track a person's progress throughout their referral journey, we have established six distinct referral statuses. Below, you'll find a clear explanation of each status and its meaning:
Referred (R)
- This is the status of any New Referral received into your scheme.
Intends to Participate (ITP)
- Patient has been contacted and subject to passing an Assessment will then be moved to Participating status
Participating (P)
- Person has agreed to being enrolled on a programme and has completed their initial assessment, if applicable.
Completed (C)
- Person has completed the programme -this closes the Referral.
Refer Patient On
- This is used if the person is not suitable for the scheme they have been referred into but may benefit from being offered a different scheme within your organisation ie: Exercise on Referral and then onto Weight Management.
- The person has decided they do not wish to take part - this also closes the Referral.
Left Early (LE)
- Some people may leave the programme without completing. This status closes the Referral.
So now you know what the statuses are and what they mean, here's how you move a referral through the ReferAll journey: Change the status of a referral
Congratulations, you're doing fantastic! Head over to the next guide in ReferAll's Get Started Series: